🎤Is this thing on?…

Testing.. testing…

How are we doing? Look who decided to show up after seven years and one war. Like a bad Wi-Fi connection that finally fixes itself just as you give up and call customer support, your fairy god stylist is back when you least expected it. The world’s changed a lot since I was last here - well on LoveLikeItsConfetti. Trends have come and gone, my password recovery questions confused even me, and somehow men in skinny jeans is still a thing. But hey, we listen and we don’t judge. Let's dive back in and pretend I never left.

For these bite sized style posts, I thought we’d call them something fun and witty - drumroll please! Welcome to our SUMI BIBLE. It was really supposed to be your SUMI book of spells, or SUMI magic book, something enchanting, since our sauce is your fairy dust, and I’m your fairy god stylist (get it?), but I remembered I’m Nigerian, so you get a style bible. Or a style Quran. Could be your style Torah too. Alexa play Whatever You Like by T.I.

But seriously, welcome home. Our SUMI Bible is your mini read where we share style thoughts, tips, and fashion trick. We’re back, we’re refined, and we’re excited to connect with you again.

Hey, so now that we’re officially besties, no ghosting! Let’s make this relationship official:

🔗 Follow us on Instagram @SUMIbyCO for behind-the-scenes styling chaos, random genius moments, and a little inspiration here and there

📧 Also, SUBSCRIBE to get notified when new posts are up using the hyperlink embedded. Your future self will thank you (probably).


👗So Is Mr. Olusola a designer, a tailor, or a stylist?